DLG Player of the Year Logo


Thank you for voting for your favorite Loyola Rambler. Now this is Chicago, so you can vote again, but not until tomorrow. Remember you can vote every day. So bookmark dispartilaw.com/vote and come back and vote again. The player with the most votes on March 16th at 10pm, will be the recipient of the inaugural Disparti Law Group #Winning Player of the Year Leadership Award.

Remember to spread the word and have all your friends and family members vote for your favorite Loyola Rambler!

Jaden Dawson

Jaden Dawson (#1)

Jalen DeLouche

Jalen DeLouche (#4)

Sheldon Edwards 1

Sheldon Edwards, Jr. (#13)

Jalen Quinn

Jalen Quinn (#2)

Miles Rubin 1

Miles Rubin (#24)

Des Watson 1

Des Watson (#0)