Jonel Metaj
Jonel Metaj
Email: jmetaj@dispartilaw.com
Phone: 312-506-5511 EXT. 297
Jonel Metaj was born in Albania and moved to Chicago with his parents when he was nine years old. He watched his dad struggle to keep the family afloat while recovering from work injuries, unaware of his legal rights. Driven by this experience, Jonel decided to pursue a career in personal injury law.
Before beginning law school, Jonel worked closely with clients on the Burr Oak Cemetery desecration case, a class action civil case involving hundreds of claimants. From this experience, Jonel developed his ability to listen, communicate, and respect each person regardless of the value of the claim.
Jonel attended DePaul University College of Law while working full time and graduated in 2015. He earned CALI awards (highest grade in his class) for Litigation Strategy: Civil, Negotiations, and Fact Investigations.
Jonel and his wife love to travel and often explore Europe during visits to his home town. He is fluent in Albanian and conversational in Greek. When not working or traveling, you might find Jonel cheering for his favorite baseball, football, or hockey team.
Top Settlements
$150,000.00 School custodian suffered a cervical herniated disc from lifting equipment.
$142,500.00 CNA suffered a lumbar herniated disc while lifting a patient.
$136,168.33 Home Depot stocker fell injuring her shoulder and knees.
$100,000.00 Hotel custodian suffered a torn rotator cuff.
Selected to the Illinois Rising Star list by Super Lawyers.
Undergrad – University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, 2011
Law School – DePaul University College of Law, 2015
Illinois Trial Lawyers Association
Chicago Bar Association
Workers’ Compensation Lawyers Association