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Drunk Driving Statistics | 2024 Update

Drunk driving statistics tell a story of drivers who underestimated the influence alcohol has on a person’s ability to operate a motor vehicle safely. Don’t be fooled — buzzed driving is drunk driving.

Drunk Driving Statistics, Person drinking a beer bottle while reach for car keys at bar, Disparti Law Group

Despite the risks, many Americans still make the reckless decision to drink and drive. That decision can lead to serious injury and even death of themselves, other passengers in their vehicle, and fellow drivers on the road.

An individual will drive drunk 80 times on average before they are arrested for the first time for driving under the influence. This suggests that many people push the limits on how much alcohol they think they can tolerate before it’s unsafe to drive.

Use the following drunk driving statistics to understand just how dangerous it is to get behind the wheel while intoxicated.

In this Article:

What is Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)?

A common term you may see in drunk driving statistics is BAC which stands for blood alcohol content. BAC indicates the amount of alcohol in your blood at any given time.

Your BAC increases when you drink faster than your liver can process the alcohol. Generally, your liver can process about one alcoholic drink per hour.

Several factors can impact how much alcohol is in a person’s blood including:

  • How quickly you’re drinking
  • The amount of alcohol you’re drinking (i.e. hard alcohol has more alcohol than beer)
  • How much food you ate before drinking.
  • Your age and weight.

BAC Legal Limits

Any amount of alcohol can impair your ability to drive, but the legal limit in most states is 0.08% BAC. Utah is the one exception where the legal limit is 0.05% BAC.

If your BAC exceeds the legal limit, you will receive a DUI. However, note that a BAC test is only accurate if it is taken within six to 12 hours after your last drink.

Dangerous BAC Levels

While it’s important to understand BAC in terms of the driving laws in your state, it’s also important to understand the lethal limits of BAC. A person will likely lose consciousness and experience alcohol poisoning if their BAC is between 0.30% and 0.40%.

A BAC over 0.40% significantly increases the risk of coma and even death from respiratory arrest.

Drunk Driving Statistics

Drunk driving statistics according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

– Drivers involved in fatal crashes at night are 2.8 times more likely to be alcohol-impaired than those involved in daytime crashes.

– An alcohol-impaired driving fatality occurred every 39 minutes on average in 2022.

– In 2022, drunk-driving crashes resulted in 13,524 deaths nationwide.

– Even minimal alcohol consumption can impair driving. In 2022, 2,337 lives were lost in crashes involving drivers with BACs between .01 and .07 g/dL.

– Drunk drivers, with BACs of 0.08% or higher, were responsible for 32% of all traffic fatalities in the United States in 2022, causing 13,524 deaths.

– Over a decade (2013-2022), an average of 11,000 lives were lost annually to drunk-driving crashes.

– A life was lost to a drunk-driving crash every 39 minutes in the United States in 2022.

Illinois Drunk Driving Statistics

Illinois DUI statistics from 2023, according to Illinois Secretary of State (ILSOS).

– Alcohol-related crashes claimed 294 lives, accounting for 23% of the state’s 1,268 crash fatalities.

– The Secretary of State’s office recorded 21,975 DUI arrests.

– Among eligible offenders, 91% lost their driving privileges after a DUI arrest.

– Zero Tolerance law violations led to 240 drivers under age 21 losing their licenses.

Women accounted for 25% of DUI arrests despite representing 50% of all licensed drivers.

Male drivers aged 25-34 had the highest DUI arrest rate, with approximately six arrests per 1,000 licensed drivers.

First-time offenders made up 87% of all DUI arrests in Illinois.

Illinois DUI Arrest Statistics

– 74% of DUI arrests involve men.

– 49% are under the age of 35.

– 55% of male offenders are under age 45.

– Most arrests occurred on the weekends between 11 p.m. and 4 a.m.

– Average BAC of .17 — twice the legal limit.

Illinois vs Cook County Drunk Driving Statistics

Illinois vs Cook County DUI Arrests (2021-2023)
2021 2022 2023
Illinois 21,735 21,203 21,975
Cook County 5,432 5,177 5,263

Illinois has some of the most comprehensive DUI laws in the country, designed to reflect the gravity of accidents caused by a drunk driver according to drunk driving statistics. For example, in 2019, a new law was passed to increase the penalty for drunk drivers who were driving in the wrong direction on a one-way street, a dangerous violation regardless of intoxication.

Additionally, in any crash that results in personal injury or death, the officer on the scene must request a chemical test in case a driver is impaired by alcohol. A drunk driver isn’t automatically at fault for a crash. However, evidence of impairment can go a long way should you choose to file a car accident claim or sue the driver for damages in a personal injury claim.

It’s usually best to contact an experienced car accident attorney to fully understand your legal options if you are hit by a drunk driver. An attorney can not only assist in filing a personal injury claim against the driver, but they can also do the heavy lifting when speaking with insurance companies and law enforcement. You don’t have to navigate the legal red tape alone after a tragic accident.

For a FREE case review with an expert attorney at Disparti Law Group Accident & Injury Lawyers, call (312) 600-6000 and find out why thousands say… Larry wins!

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