Can You Get Social Security Disability For Narcolepsy?
Narcolepsy is a nervous system impairment that causes sleep related symptoms. People with narcolepsy may have trouble staying awake during the day, often requiring sleep every few hours. They can also fall asleep without warning, potentially putting themselves and...
Can You Collect Social Security If You’re Not a Citizen?
Social Security provides monetary assistance to U.S. citizens who are retired, unemployed, receive inadequate income or are disabled. If you are an immigrant that needs to receive SSDI benefits, you will need to be familiar with SSI law and qualifications. You should...
Is There a Waiting Period for Social Security Disability?
If you’re interested in receiving social security disability benefits, you will need to file a claim with the Social Security Administration. Once they have reviewed your case, they will determine your eligibility. If you get approved, you will be entered into...
How Do Disability Benefits Work for the Self-Employed?
So you’re self-employed, managing a disability and unsure of what to do next. You might be wondering how you can receive assistance, and the good news is that you most likely qualify for Social Security disability insurance. However, the application process can be...