How Do Insurance Companies Calculate a Settlement Offer?
Understanding how insurance companies calculate a settlement offer helps you navigate negotiations and secure fair compensation. This article breaks down these elements to give you a clear picture of what to expect. In this Article: What is an Insurance Settlement...
What is Personal Injury?
Suffering an injury is one thing but to suffer an injury caused by another person is a completely different story. It’s expected that we all, as members of society, do our part to ensure that our actions do not harm those around us. But when this social contract...
What to Do If You’ve Been Injured In a Train Crash on CTA
Our public transit system has a responsibility to keep passengers safe as they ride around the city. Many rely on the L trains to get them to work, school, doctor appointments, and other important responsibilities. So what happens when disaster strikes? What steps...
Several Injured in Apollo Theatre Roof Collapse | Liability at Music Venues
You’ve been looking forward to hearing your favorite band perform all month. After a tough week at work, all you want is to let loose and live carefree. But then, out of now where… the sky is falling and you’re running for your life. This is the...