If you notice something wrong about the care you or your loved one is receiving at a nursing home, you may need to file a nursing home complaint. The process in Illinois is simple. It’s also a good first step if you think you want to take legal action to protect...
Some jobs are more dangerous than others. However, regardless of the type of work, you agree to the risks that may or may not be associated with accepting that position. As a long-time security sergeant of the Chicago Department of Aviation (CDOA), Chris Logan knew...
To start the new year, several Harvey residents were boarded up while still in their homes after the city shut down the apartment complex for unsafe living conditions. Nothing justifies this gross lack of empathy and respect for these Harvey residents. The complete...
For many of us, a new year means a new beginning, a fresh start. Whether it be a starting point for chasing after a long-forgotten dream or simply creating for ourselves a better life. Fortunately, the more than 300 new Illinois laws that took effect in 2024 may help...
Because of the hard work of labor unions throughout U.S. history, workers have more rights than ever before. However, the work is far from over as large corporations continue to find opportunities to infringe on the rights of their employees. When a Chicago Department...
DECEMBER 19, 2023 – Today, civil rights attorneys Larry Disparti, Andrew M. Stroth, and members of his legal team stood with family members at a press conference regarding the death of Othel Moore, Jr. on December 8th at the Jefferson City Correctional Center. Oriel...